Sunday, May 8, 2011

Indiana sisters have arrived!

After many months of planning, our Indiana delegation of the Global Interfaith Sisters (GIS) has arrived in Kisumu. We are:

Adele Hoskin (St. Luke's United Methodist)
Alice Brown (North United Methodist Church)
Ann Rose (Second Presbyterian)
Elizabeth Howell (Second Presbyterian)
Ellen Daniels-Howell (Global Interfaith Partnership)
Suzanne Anthony (North United Methodist Church)

Today we will be worshiping at the Anglican Church of Kenya's cathedral church for the Kisumu Diocese, where one of our Kenyan sisters, Reverend Mary Onginjo, is a priest. This afternoon we will meet the rest of the Chulaimbo members of GIS. We are excited for our day!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful to hear of your safe journey. Will look forward to your updates as you work through the program and actiivities with the girls and their mentors.

    Are you doing any filming?

    YOU are doing the work of many mothers during your time Happy Mothers Day to each of you!!

    God's Peace be with you.

